A Positive Lens

Challenges. Difficulties. Trials.

 No matter what you call them, they are a part of everyday life for the teachers at Hosanna, and I’m certain they are a part of each of our lives as well.

 Some are big. Some small. But no matter the size, it is how we respond to them that really matters in life.

We as humans tend to shy away from difficulties. But there is simply no way to avoid all challenges in life. Some may be the result of our own choices, while others are the result of other people’s choices that in some way make life difficult for us.

If we can’t avoid all difficulties, then begs the question: How should we respond to challenges that come our way? It is the answer to this question that determines the lasting effects that these challenges will have on our lives.

 I asked a few teachers to share some challenges they’ve faced recently and their response to them.

Miss Chelsey Kleinsasser writes…

“How do I deal with emotional exhaustion? This is a topic that God put on my heart during winter break. How can I go back to teaching in the New Year and deal with impending emotional stress and exhaustion? I realized that emotional stress at the end of every school day had made me neglect relationships with fellow teachers and grow distant from the community around me. I wanted to change. 

Although many of them are common sense, these are a few of the strategies I’ve found very helpful.

  • Muse on how God came through for me during the day rather than engaging in too much negative talk about school or my classroom, or ranting about all that went wrong that day. 
  • Sit at my desk and journal about the day. It helps debrief and quiet my heart.
  • Mentally list all that went smoothly and the improvements seen with students. The power of looking through the lens of positivity can greatly help a teacher stay encouraged and motivated. 
  • Engage in out-of-school activities like going for a walk, playing spike-ball with some teachers, or playing volleyball. It becomes a necessity to initiate things that distract your mind from the stresses of school. 
  • Make a cup of tea or coffee and go sit with another teacher after school. Ask them about their day, encourage and pray for each other. 
  • Find every opportunity to laugh!”

 Miss Charity Villenueve writes…

As a Hosanna teacher, both the blessings and the challenges are many. Every day when I wake up, I thank God for my blessings and ask for strength for the challenges of the coming day. 

A blessing of this week was being able to spend some personal time with the high school girls. I love just listening to all their stories and giving them hugs, praying for them, and telling them I love them.

This week’s challenge was to make my students understand that although I have to punish them, I do it because I love them. That concept is hard for them to understand at times. They think if they fail, I will not love them again.

I’m sure every teacher can relate to these challenges and share stories of their own.

The Bible teaches us that as Christians, we shouldn’t expect an easy life. Instead, we are to expect challenges. We live in a fallen world. The forces of Satan are ever ready to move against us, to thwart God’s people from succeeding spiritually. Satan will try to throw whatever he can at us to try to make us throw up our hands in defeat and give in to his plots.

Therefore, difficulties arise. Challenges encroach. Trials befall.

How do you respond to the challenges in your life?

What if instead of avoidance, we would learn to embrace challenges? To see them as opportunities to let God work in our lives, to draw us closer to Him, and to build our character to become more Christ-like?

As you go about your daily life this week, please keep the Hosanna teachers in your prayers. Pray that they would be able to face their challenges with boldness, and use them as opportunities to advance God’s kingdom in this world, one child at a time.

Advancing God’s kingdom, one child at a time.

Picture of Tanya Kleinsasser

Tanya Kleinsasser

Tanya is a part of the website team. She enjoys the opportunity to serve the ministry wherever she can.

3 Responses

  1. That was inspiring!! Thank you!! I am blessed to see God working these things out in your lives. Keep trusting Him!!

  2. Love the pics!😍
    Thank you for sharing ladies, teachers, you are highly esteemed in this lady’s eyes!
    I appreciate your candor. The de-stressing tips are good ones! I especially liked the one about musing on God and his provision at the end of the day, not focusing on the negative.
    And yes! Laugh often.😃I love a good laugh!😄

    It takes mindfulness toward God to make the choice to “embrace the difficulties.”
    We’re in this together, let’s do it!

    Love Y’all,

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