Come and Join Us

Have you considered investing a year of your life into God’s work in Winnipeg? Do you want to help your fellow brothers and sisters raise their children in the fear of the Lord? Do you enjoy different cultures? Hosanna could be the place for you. 

Open positions

For this year, our teacher positions are filled. If you are interested in serving in future terms, please contact us. 


→Applicants must be born again by the Spirit of God

→Applicants must have a heart to serve the Lord Jesus by laying down their lives daily for His little ones

→Applicants must be willing to carry themselves with humility to maintain peace and be an effective team as co-teachers

→Applicants must have a desire to mature and develop in their teaching skills

→Although not a requirement, previous teaching experience in applicants is a definite asset

Our teachers see this as a ministry rather than a job. This is speaking and living the life of Christ into the minds and hearts of our students. That's our mission. That's our goal


How long is one term of service?

Usually one school year which lasts from September to June. Occasionally we can use short term commitments for Teacher’s Aide positions. 

How will I afford to serve?

Basic living expenses and housing are provided.

What will I do on weekends?

   How you spend your time on weekends is up to you.

  Some teachers go home to their families for the weekend. Others stay in the city. Those who don’t have family nearby often adopt a church family as their own, choosing to spend their weekend there. 

 On Sundays, you can attend a local fellowship. Usually, teachers from outside MB choose one of our four local churches as their home church. 

 It is our desire that weekends are a time of refreshment for our teachers, whether they choose to leave the city or stay to prepare lessons or visit their students’ families. 

Contact James

James Kleinsasser

Board Member
If you're interested in applying, James will be answering your questions and guiding you through the application process.